====== Using Tcl Commands to Highlight Clock Trees in the Layout Window ====== ===== Question: ===== How do I highlight clock trees in the IC Compiler layout window by using Tcl commands? ===== Answer: ===== In IC Compiler version 2008.09 or later, you can use the following commands to highlight clock trees in the layout window: gui_set_setting -window [gui_get_current_window -types Layout -mru] -setting vmName -value "CLOCK_TREES" gui_set_setting -window [gui_get_current_window -types Layout -mru] -setting showVisualMode -value true gui_load_clock_tree_vm -exclude_cells -clock_trees { sys_clk { { 0 1 2 3 4 5 } { } } } Note: sys_clk is the clock tree that has six levels (0 to 5).