
Using Tcl Commands to Highlight Clock Trees in the Layout Window


How do I highlight clock trees in the IC Compiler layout window by using Tcl commands?


In IC Compiler version 2008.09 or later, you can use the following commands to highlight clock trees in the layout window:

gui_set_setting -window [gui_get_current_window -types Layout -mru] -setting vmName -value "CLOCK_TREES"
gui_set_setting -window [gui_get_current_window -types Layout -mru] -setting showVisualMode -value true
gui_load_clock_tree_vm  -exclude_cells  -clock_trees { sys_clk { { 0 1 2 3 4 5 } { } } }

Note: sys_clk is the clock tree that has six levels (0 to 5).