



Drupal Node Reference

$node - Node object

$node->nid Node ID.
$node->type Type of node (e.g. book, page, forum).
$node->language The default language for this node.
$node->uid User ID of node creator.
$node->status unpublished/published (0|1).
$node->created UNIX timestamp of node creation date.
$node->changed UNIX timestamp of last time node was changed.
$node->comment whether comments can be added, read, or accessed, for this node.
$node->promote Promoted to front page (0|1).
$node->moderate Moderation enabled (0|1).
$node->sticky Sticky (0|1).
$node->tnid The node ID of the translation source (or parent, if node is a translation).
$node->translate Is a translation (0|1).
$node->vid The revision ID of the current version of this node.
$node->revision_uid The user ID of the user who created the current revision.
$node->titlePage (or, more accurately, node) title.
$node->body Body content of node.
$node->teaserTeaser (the initial part of the body).
$node->logMessage left by the creator of this revision, explaining the changes.
$node->revision_timestampUnix timestamp showing when current revision was created.
$node->formatwhich filter applies to this content.
$node->name Username of node creator.
$node->pictureUser avatar of the node creator.
$node->dateLong date, including timezone data, of when the node was created.
$node->revisionTRUE/FALSE this is a new revision (if TRUE, will be saved as a separate entry in the database).
$node->menuArray containing the menu item assigned to the node.


drupal/script/node-object-reference.txt · 最后更改: 2010/09/27 09:17 (外部编辑)