#!/usr/bin/env python """Create a PDF calendar. This script requires Python and Reportlab ( http://reportlab.org/rl_toolkit.html ). Tested only with Python 2.4 and Reportlab 1.2. See bottom of file for an example of usage. No command-line interface has been added, but it would be trivial to do so. Furthermore, this script is pretty hacky, and could use some refactoring, but it works for what it's intended to do. Created by Bill Mill on 11/16/05, this script is in the public domain. There are no express warranties, so if you mess stuff up with this script, it's not my fault. If you have questions or comments or bugfixes or flames, please drop me a line at bill.mill@gmail.com . """ from reportlab.lib import pagesizes from reportlab.pdfgen.canvas import Canvas import calendar, time, datetime from math import floor NOW = datetime.datetime.now() SIZE = pagesizes.landscape(pagesizes.letter) class NoCanvasError(Exception): pass def nonzero(row): return len([x for x in row if x!=0]) def createCalendar(month, year=NOW.year, canvas=None, filename=None, \ size=SIZE): """ Create a one-month pdf calendar, and return the canvas month: can be an integer (1=Jan, 12=Dec) or a month abbreviation (Jan, Feb, etc. year: year in which month falls. Defaults to current year. canvas: you may pass in a canvas to add a calendar page to the end. filename: String containing the file to write the calendar to size: size, in points of the canvas to write on """ if type(month) == type(''): month = time.strptime(month, "%b")[1] if canvas is None and filename is not None: canvas = Canvas(filename, size) elif canvas is None and filename is None: raise NoCanvasError monthname = time.strftime("%B", time.strptime(str(month), "%m")) cal = calendar.monthcalendar(year, month) width, height = size #draw the month title title = monthname + ' ' + str(year) canvas.drawCentredString(width / 2, height - 27, title) height = height - 40 #margins wmar, hmar = width/50, height/50 #set up constants width, height = width - (2*wmar), height - (2*hmar) rows, cols = len(cal), 7 lastweek = nonzero(cal[-1]) firstweek = nonzero(cal[0]) weeks = len(cal) rowheight = floor(height / rows) boxwidth = floor(width/7) #draw the bottom line canvas.line(wmar, hmar, wmar+(boxwidth*lastweek), hmar) #now, for all complete rows, draw the bottom line for row in range(1, len(cal[1:-1]) + 1): y = hmar + (row * rowheight) canvas.line(wmar, y, wmar + (boxwidth * 7), y) #now draw the top line of the first full row y = hmar + ((rows-1) * rowheight) canvas.line(wmar, y, wmar + (boxwidth * 7), y) #and, then the top line of the first row startx = wmar + (boxwidth * (7-firstweek)) endx = startx + (boxwidth * firstweek) y = y + rowheight canvas.line(startx, y, endx, y) #now draw the vert lines for col in range(8): #1 = don't draw line to first or last; 0 = do draw last, first = 1, 1 if col <= lastweek: last = 0 if col >= 7 - firstweek: first = 0 x = wmar + (col * boxwidth) starty = hmar + (last * rowheight) endy = hmar + (rows * rowheight) - (first * rowheight) canvas.line(x, starty, x, endy) #now fill in the day numbers and any data x = wmar + 6 y = hmar + (rows * rowheight) - 15 for week in cal: for day in week: if day: canvas.drawString(x, y, str(day)) x = x + boxwidth y = y - rowheight x = wmar + 6 #finish this page canvas.showPage() return canvas if __name__ == "__main__": #create a December, 2005 PDF c = createCalendar(12, 2005, filename="blog_calendar.pdf") #now add January, 2006 to the end createCalendar(1, 2006, canvas=c) c.save()