



Set Port Location

Using ICC set_port_location

proc place_ports_1 {} {
  set unplaced_ports [get_ports {*sms* LSI* *bist* }]
  set y_start [expr 14.995 + 0.36*2]
  set y $y_start
  set dy 0.36
  foreach_in_collection port $unplaced_ports {
    set direction [get_attribute $port direction]
    set_port_location -coordinate "0 $y" -layer_name M5 -layer_area "0 $y 0.07 [expr $y + 0.07]"  $port
    set_attribute $port direction $direction 
    set y [expr $y + $dy]
    change_selection $port

Using floorplan methods

If you using write_floor_plan command to write port location, you will see commands like following:

set obj [get_terminal {"psroBaseAddress[12]"}]
set_attribute -quiet $obj layer  M2
set_attribute -quiet $obj owner_port  {psroBaseAddress[12]}
set_attribute -quiet $obj bbox {{0.925 0.000} {0.995 0.070}}
set_attribute -quiet $obj status Unplaced
set_attribute -quiet $obj access_direction Down
set_attribute -quiet $obj direction input
set_attribute -quiet $obj eeq_class 0

Based on above command, we can place port using the similar commands.

proc place_ports {} {
  set unplaced_ports [get_ports {*sms* LSI* *bist* }]
  set y_start [expr 14.995 + 0.36*2]
  set y $y_start
  set dy 0.36
  foreach_in_collection port $unplaced_ports {
    set icccmd ""
    set terminal [ get_terminals -of $port ]
    set direction [get_attribute $port direction]
    set icccmd "set obj \[get_terminal \{\"[get_attribute $terminal name]\"\}\] \n"
    set icccmd "$icccmd set_attribute -quiet \$obj layer  M5 \n" 
    set icccmd "$icccmd set_attribute -quiet \$obj owner_port \{[get_attribute $port name]\} \n"
    set icccmd "$icccmd set_attribute -quiet \$obj bbox \{\{0 $y\} \{0.07 [expr $y+0.07]\}\} \n"
    set icccmd "$icccmd set_attribute -quiet \$obj status Unplaced \n"
    set icccmd "$icccmd set_attribute -quiet \$obj access_direction Left \n"
    set icccmd "$icccmd set_attribute -quiet \$obj direction $direction \n"
    set icccmd "$icccmd set_attribute -quiet \$obj eeq_class 0 \n"
    #echo $icccmd
    eval $icccmd
    set y [expr $y + $dy]

Place Ports in Equal distance without change order

set ports [ get_ports -filter "layer==M3 || layer==M5 || layer==M7 && bbox_lly < 10"  ]
set sports [ sort_collection $ports bbox_llx ]
set location_list [list]
array set location_array {}
set prellx 0
foreach_in_collection p $sports {
  set llx [ get_attribute $p bbox_llx ]
  if { $prellx == $llx } {
  } else {
    set location_array($llx)  0
    lappend location_list $llx
    echo $llx
  set prellx $llx
#set location_list [ lsort $location_list ]
set index 0
foreach llx $location_list {
  if { $index == 0} {
    set new_location $llx
  } else {
    set new_location  [expr $new_location + 0.27]
  set index [ expr $index + 1]
  #echo $index $llx $new_location
  set location_array($llx) $new_location
foreach_in_collection p $sports {
  set llx [get_attribute $p bbox_llx]
  set new_llx $location_array($llx)
  set dx [expr $new_llx -$llx]
  move_objects -delta "$dx 0" $p
  #echo $llx $new_llx $dx
vlsi/icc/port-location.txt · 最后更改: 2011/11/30 06:44 (外部编辑)