



RedHawk Explorer Threshold Template

############################ RHE Thresholds ################################

set rhe_bucket_size 50
set rhe_enable_DWE 1
set rhe_enable_DIE 1
set rhe_enable_HSE 1
set rhe_dvd_check_type minWC

############################ DWE Thresholds ################################

# Power_distribution_quality_check
# Checks whether the power density in any bucket is greater than N times the chip average power density.

set rhe_enable_power_distribution_check 1
set rhe_bucket_power_density_ratio 5
set rhe_num_violations_power_density_max 5

# Peak_Current__distribution_quality_check
# Checks whether the peak Current density in any bucket is greater than N times the chip peak current density.

set rhe_enable_peak_current_distribution_check 1
set rhe_bucket_peak_current_density_ratio 5
set rhe_num_violations_peak_current_density_max 5

# Decap_distribution_quality_check
# Checks whether the Decap in any bucket is less than 1/N times the chip average decap density

set rhe_enable_decap_distribution_check 1
set rhe_bucket_decap_density_ratio 5
set rhe_perc_null_decap_buckets 70
set rhe_num_violations_decap_density_max 5

# Clock_Buffer_Clustering_check
# Checks whether the Clock power density in any bucket is greater than N times the chip average Clock power density

set rhe_enable_clock_buffer_clustering_check 1
set rhe_bucket_clock_power_density_ratio 5
set rhe_num_violations_clock_power_density_max 5

# Pad_Placement_Quality_check
# Checks whether any given pad is supplying N times the chip average pad current

set rhe_enable_pad_placement_quality_check 1
set rhe_pad_current_ratio 3
set rhe_num_violations_pad_current_max 3

# Switch_Placement_Quality_check
# Checks whether any given switch is supplying N times the chip switch current

set rhe_enable_switch_placement_quality_check 1
set rhe_switch_current_ratio 5
set rhe_num_violations_switch_current_max 5

# Simultaneous_switching_check                                                                                                                                                     
# Checks whether the peak demand current is below N X the average demand current

set rhe_enable_simultaneous_switching_check 1
set rhe_peak_demand_current_ratio 10
set rhe_switching_time_step 250
set rhe_switching_time_bin 250
set rhe_switching_instance_ratio 5

# Package_Drop_Contribution_Check
# Checks whether the drop across package is either to low or too high

set rhe_enable_package_drop_contribution_check 1
set rhe_min_package_drop_power_perc 2
set rhe_max_package_drop_power_perc 5
set rhe_min_package_drop_ground_perc 2
set rhe_max_package_drop_ground_perc 5
set rhe_num_violations_package_drop_contribution_max 5

# PG_Resistance_Distribution
# Checks if the PG Resistance in any bucket is greater than N times the average chip resistance

set rhe_enable_pg_resistance_distribution_check 1
set rhe_pg_resistance_distribution_ratio 2
set rhe_num_violations_pg_resistance_distribution_max 5

# PG_Resistance_Imbalance
# Checks if the PG Resistance Imbalance in any bucket is greater than N times the average chip resistance imbalance 

set rhe_pg_resistance_imbalance_ratio 2
set rhe_num_violations_pg_resistance_imbalance_max 5

############################# DIE thresholds ################################

# Apl CURRENT Check
set rhe_enable_apl_current_check 1
set rhe_apl_current_threshold 95

# Apl CAP Check
set rhe_enable_apl_cap_check 1
set rhe_apl_cap_threshold 95

# Apl PWCAP Check
set rhe_enable_apl_pwcap_check 1
set rhe_apl_pwcap_threshold 95

# DEF Check
set rhe_show_def_violations 0
set rhe_enable_def_check 1
set rhe_short_limit 0
set rhe_missing_via_limit 10000
set rhe_inst_unconnect_limit 0
set rhe_wire_unconnect_limit 0
set rhe_via_unconnect_limit 0

# STA Check
set rhe_enable_sta_check 1
set rhe_sta_threshold 90

# SPEF Check
set rhe_enable_spef_check 1
set rhe_spef_threshold 90

# LIB Check
set rhe_enable_lib_check 1
set rhe_lib_threshold 95

# LEF Check
set rhe_enable_lef_check 1
set rhe_lef_threshold 90

# GDS2DEF Check
set rhe_enable_gds2def_check 1
set rhe_gds2def_threshold 90

# VCD Check
set rhe_enable_vcd_check 1
set rhe_vcd_threshold 90

set rhe_enable_package_check 1

# GSR TCL Check
set rhe_enable_gsr_tcl_check 1

########################### HSE thresholds ################################

# Bucket DVD Max Violation
set rhe_bucket_dvd_threshold 100
set rhe_bucket_static_ir_threshold 100
set rhe_bucket_power_em_threshold 100

# Domain Based Instance Drop Threshold
set rhe_instance_dvd_threshold 100
set rhe_instance_static_ir_threshold 100

# Number of Violating buckets to be displayed
set rhe_num_dvd_bucket_violations 3
set rhe_num_static_ir_bucket_violations 3
set rhe_num_power_em_bucket_violations 3

# Enable checks in HSE
set rhe_enable_dvd_distribution_check 1
set rhe_enable_static_ir_distribution_check 1
set rhe_enable_power_em_distribution_check 1

# Rampup Check Thresholds

# Enable Rampup Check
set rhe_enable_rampup_distribution_check 1

# Threshold for battery current ( Default is 10 mA )
set rhe_rampup_battery_current_threshold 10

# Distance b/w driver and receiver ( Default is 200 um )
set rhe_rampup_switch_pair_distance 200

# Threshold for rampup time ( default is 150 ns )
set rhe_rampup_time_threshold 150

# Threshold for differential voltage check ( default is 200 mV )
set rhe_rampup_differential_voltage_threshold 200

# Number of Differential Voltage violations to be displayed
set rhe_rampup_num_differential_voltage_violations 3

# Driver fanout check
set rhe_alp_fanout_limit 100

# Threshold for Noise Coupling Check
set rhe_rampup_noise_analysis_threshold 100

# Number of Noise Coupling Hotspots to be displayed
set rhe_rampup_num_noise_coupling_hotspots 3
vlsi/redhawk/rhe-threshold.txt · 最后更改: 2011/11/01 08:27 (外部编辑)